Friday, June 25, 2010

Diary, June the 26th

I am relishing the quiet day at home. Soon enough Saturday mornings will be filled with calling on others or receiving guests at my own home.

My mind wanders back to London, wondering about my acquaintances there. Have they heard the rumors? And what do they believe? I have received no word from Lord Blackburn, not even a hastily scribbled note. I hope every day for some communication to assuage my fears and reassure that the investigation is not being pursued any farther. Such a to-do over such a little "indiscretion." Ah well, such is my lot for being a successful female. The tables arrived yesterday and were quickly ensconced in their new home. I shall not give up my pleasures; ladies are entitled to indulge in their own amusements as much as any gentleman.

Bess has been bustling about the house making everything comfortable. Perhaps in time I can also employ a cook - Bess's skills in that area are wanting. I plan to look in at a few local shops for additional furnishings and oddments this coming week.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Diary, June the 24th

Today marks the beginning of my legal career in the bustling town of New Babbage. I acquired a suite of offices in an excellent location from Lord Mureaux. Now begins the process of furnishing the rooms with the necessities of my practice. Of course, the second floor room will be for my more distinguised and entreprenurial of clients....

My lodgings are also excellent. I have taken a row-end brownstone with pleasant views of the waters. My lady's maid, Bess, is quite pleased with her small room in the attics and has been set to scrubbing the entire from top to bottom before my larger furnishings arrive from London.

I now only hope to become acquainted with the principal people of my new City. Of course Dame Burgess and Sir Wainright provided me with excellent letters of introduction.

Off to the dress-makers. I have in mind a new gown in a beautiful worked blue muslin that will be arriving with my goods from London.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Curriculum Vitae

Grace Toussaint, Esq.
New Babbage

Curriculum Vitae


Queen's College, Cambridge
Juris doctorate

Lowton Academy for Girls


Member, Law Society of England and Wales
Former clerk to Sir Richard Wainwright, Esq., Howard & Wainwright, London
Solicitor to Dame Anne Burgess, Rochester, Kent
Author, A Short Discourse on the Education of Females and the Benefits Thereof to English Society, Cambridge Presses
Solicitor for Carter Ironworks during its acquisition of Robertson Smelting, Colchester, Essex


Sir Richard Wainwright, Esq.
Howard & Wainwright
52 Archers Court

Dame Anne Burgess
Holyfield Manor
Rochester, Kent

Sir Edward Marley, Esq.
Marley & Dickens
23 Nottingham Road